05 March 2020
Leipzig, Germany

In cooperation with the Leipzig University Library, DINI / Nestor AG Research Data is organising the workshop: "Certification of Research Data Repositories - Paths, Practical Experience and Perspectives" on March 5th, 2020 in Leipzig (Germany). The event will gather together representatives of research data repositories from German universitis and other research institutes.
fifty representatives of research data repositories from German universities and other research institutes

Repositories for the long-term preservation and publication of digital research data play a central role in the efforts of scientists, research sponsors and publishing houses to make research results reproducible and openly accessible. In this environment, there has been a great need for permanent solutions for the legally secure, trustworthy and as uncomplicated publication of research data as possible. Criteria catalogs and certification procedures to check the trustworthiness of services for long-term access to digital objects can serve to put your own processes and policies to the test and to improve them, as well as to show the target group that the handling of research data complies with international standards and Best practices follow.

The workshop first gives a brief overview of the certification landscape for (research data) repositories and then introduces two common certification procedures: the CoreTrustSeal and the Nestor seal. Then considerations and approaches for the certification of services in the context of the national research data infrastructure and the FAIR principles are presented. The third lecture block is devoted to the experiences of operators of research data repositories with certification or self-evaluations based on common criteria catalogs or certification procedures. Here, the focus should also be on processes relevant to research data repositories beyond the nestor seal or CoreTrustSeal. These include, for example, DRAMBORA, IT security certifications (such as those obtained from the BSI), data protection certifications and other DIN or ISO standards from the “Information and Documentation” area. Subject-specific accreditations such as the RatSWD also play a role here.


FAIRsFAIR at "Certification of research data repositories - paths, practical experience and perspectives" workshop

FAIRsFAIR was invited by Jonas Recker (Chair of CoreTrustSeal Board) to do a presentation about "How good repositories help to make and to keep data FAIR". Marjan Grootveld, from DANS (project partner of FAIRsFAIR), will present the FAIR-CoreTrustSeal mapping and the two assessment tool pilots which are being pulled out by the "FAIRsFAIR FAIR Certification Team". Marjan will promote the idea that while "good repositories help to make data FAIR", it is essential to comunicate as well that long-term repositories keep data FAIR for the Future.