A key deliverable from the FAIRsFAIR project is the development of a FAIR data competence framework to support the uptake of FAIR data principles and practice by higher education institutes. The competence framework will be developed based on the main findings from two previous reports, D7.1 FAIR Mapping analysis in European Higher Education and D7.2 Briefing on FAIR Competences and Synergies which is presented in this page.

The Briefing on FAIR Competences and Synergies provides an overview and analysis of different existing competence frameworks, resources and training initiatives in the field of Research Data Management, Open Science and FAIR data, with the purpose to inform and support the future design and application of relevant skills frameworks, in particular to-be-developed within FAIRsFAIR project activities.

This briefing is a step forward on the development of the competence framework for FAIR data education.

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FAIR skills frameworks

Overview of eight different skills frameworks in the field of RDM, data stewardship and Open Science, providing a summary of the main elements, grouped by qualification level covered.

FAIR education and training programmes

Overview of different education and training programmes and initiatives from a selection of European projects and research infrastructures, aiming to identify potential assets related to their use or adaptation in higher education, grouped by generic and specific domain.

Towards FAIR data competence framework

Activities around the development of FAIR data competence framework will not end with its publication. Work will continue in order to offer comprehensive guidelines for HEIs to implement FAIR data competences in their curricula.

  • D7.3 FAIR Competence Framework for Higher Education: Will include FAIR data competences:
    • Which can be acquired through higher education
    • For graduates continuing to work as professionals in FAIR data management
  • D7.4 FAIR Competences Adoption Handbook for Universities
    • Development of FAIR model courses and curricula.
    • Translate the competence framework into material usable by HEIs.
  • D7.5 Good Practices in FAIR Competence Training
    • Capacity building for FAIR adoption in higher education.
    • Synthesise case studies in embedding the FAIR Competence Framework in curricula and research training programmes.