► Check our full set of videos on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel!

The importance of semantic artefacts to support FAIR research

Semantic artefacts are machine-actionable controlled vocabularies to describe content and express relations among them. FAIRsFAIR looked at t technologies that support semantic interoperability in a sustainable way and developed recommendations to support FAIR semantics

Watch the animated video


The FAIR Data Forum 

The FAIRdata Forum is an open space for individuals, institutions, organisations to post queries, answers, comments and events notifications pertaining to making data FAIR. Access training material, receive guidance, share best practices whilst actively interacting with other users.

Watch the animated video

FAIRsFAIR Training Library

FAIRsFAIR training library contains records to materials and resources that can be used to support training and the development of a harmonised understanding on FAIR related topics.



The FAIRsFAIR Final Event 2022 - The Playlist

Between January 25th and 27th, FAIRsFAIR partners and stakeholders met for a series of concluding meetings to deep-dive into the results of FAIRsFAIR. We talked about the impact that we managed to have on the European Research Community, went through the tools, guidelines and best practices produced, during the lifetime of the project, and delivered to researchers, data stewards, decision makers and funders towards a better, more structured approach towards FAIR data management.
A final meeting to summarise the recommendations produced, the lessons learnt and the legacy for future activities to come.

Watch the entire playlist on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel 



The FAIRsFAIR Series of National Roadshows - The Playlist

To better connect with national initiatives, in 2021-2022, FAIRsFAIR organised a series of events part of “FAIR National Roadshows”, with the aim of speeding up FAIR adoption by different European countries. The roadshows extended our current network beyond the projects and initiatives that we already collaborate with, introducing another platform to promote FAIRsFAIR recommendations, good practices, and assessment tools

Watch the entire playlist on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel 



Data Steward Training - The Playlist

The videos in this playlist form part of the introductory online course Data Steward Training produced by FAIRsFAIR and EOSC Synergy

Watch the entire playlist on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel 



Watch the 7 videos from the FAIRsFAIR 2021 Public Workshop - 13 April 2021 - The Playlist

FAIRsFAIR is one of the Horizon 2020 projects for the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Its goal is to supply practical solutions for the use of the FAIR data principles throughout the research data life cycle and to foster FAIR data culture and the uptake of good practices in making data FAIR.
Two public events, in addition to numerous closed meetings for project partners have built the FAIRsFAIR 2021 week in April 2021. 

Watch the entire playlist on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel 


Find here the series of interviews at Open Science FAIR Porto 2019 - The Playlist

Watch the interviews with Tobias Weigel, Susanna-Assunta Sansone and Pedro Principe

Watch the entire series of interviews on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel 


Did you miss the interviews' series from the KickOff meeting in Amsterdam in March 2019? - The Playlist

Click below or Watch the entire series of interviews on FAIRsFAIR Youtube Channel