31 March 2019 to 01 April 2019
Philadelphia, US

The workshop is featuring invited speakers and an expert panel discussion, selected research and practice papers from an open call, a poster and lightning talks session, as well as workshop sessions on mechanisms for knowledge sharing and on issues of responsibility and sensitive data.  

The Themes and Sessions of the Workshop will be articulated in 5 points: 

  1. FAIR data: implications and responsibilities 1) for research communities and 2) for research institutions.
  2. FAIR data stewardship and knowledge sharing.  What progress has been made in RDM and FAIR data stewardship?  What can be learnt from biomedical research and from other domains?
  3. Limits of open data and how do deal responsibly with sensitive data.  What can be learnt from biomedical fields and other fields for the controlled sharing of sensitive data?
  4. RDM, FAIR stewardship services and research infrastructures 1) for research communities and 2) for research institutions.  How are research communities and/or research institutions implementing research infrastructures for RDM and FAIR stewardship?  How are they tackling related and supporting issues such as: a) developing skills and capacity; b) addressing policy, legal and ethical issues; c) aligning strategies and priorities with FAIR and RDM responsibilities?
  5. Alignment of domain and institutional RDM and FAIR stewardship: What experiences exist and mechanisms are there for aligning domain and institutional RDM and FAIR stewardship? Examples of collaboration between research communities, domain research infrastructures and institutions will be particularly welcome. 


Here's the link to the event 

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