14 April 2021

The International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS) has the aim of providing an overview of the existing information systems to serve different users in ocean science. It also shows the progress in the development of efficient: infrastructures for managing large and diverse data sets, standards, interoperable information systems, services and tools for education.

Due to the sanitary situation linked to COVID-19 pandemic, IMDIS Steering Committee decided to postpone IMDIS 2020 conference to 2021 and thus change the name of the conference to IMDIS 2021, which is taking place online on 12-14 April 2021.

The Conference will present different systems for on-line access to data, meta-data and products, communication standards and adapted technology to ensure platforms interoperability. Sessions will focus on infrastructures, technologies and services for different users: environmental authorities, research, schools, universities, and others.

On Wednesday 14 April, at 09:56 CET, FAIRsFAIR is being mentioned in a Presentation entitled "FAIR Semantics and the NVS" authored by  Yann Le Franc from e-Science Data Factory and  Alexandra Kokkinaki &  Gwenaëlle Moncoiffé from British Oceanographic Data Centre. The presentation will mention FAIRsFAIR  17 general recommendations aligned with the different FAIR Principles and 10 Best Practice recommendations.

The event is organised by NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research), jointly with IFREMEROGS and IOC/IODE, in the frame of the SeaDataCloud project.

Online registration is open

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