06 October 2020

Romanian R&I community meets international experts to discuss Open Science strategic approaches with a focus on open research data, on a webinar entitled "Open Science Strategic approaches and the importance of open research data", organised by the Open Science Knlowledge Hub Romania, on 6th October 2020.

The scope of the event: exchange of good practices between national stakeholders and experts and international experts in the context of developing a national Open Science (OS) strategic approach for Romania with a focus on the importance of open research data and the development of the European Open Science Cloud.
Vanessa Proudman, Director of SPARC Europe, did a presentation focused on "How FAIR does national European research data policy need to be". In Vanessa's presentation, FAIRsFAIR has mentioned has one of the initiatives fostering FAIR data practices in Europe, namely on the policy lanscape. Vanessa mentioned the "D3.1 FAIR Policy Landscape Analysis" and "D3.3 Policy Enchancement Recommendations". Some of the FAIRsFAIR recommendations were highlighted regarding definition of data outpus and standard descriptions, as well as on Data Management Plans, data availablity statements, intelectual properties, data citation and compliance monitoring.
Targeted Participants: international experts involved in open science & open research data activities + national experts and stakeholders (policy makers, universities and other research institutions, libraries, relevant actors from private sector), team involved in drafting the national OS strategic framework for Romania.
The draft agenda of the webinar can be accessed here. The registration for participation is available here.
Presentations given at the event can be accessed using the following links:
• Open science and actions lines for an OS transition in Romania, Alina Irimia, OS projects coordinator, Open Science Knowledge Hub - UEFISCDI
• How FAIR does national European research data policy need to be?, Vanessa Proudman, Director SPARC Europe
• Research Data Management in a research-intensive university, Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost for OS (UCL Library Services), CEO of UCL Press, Co-Chair LERU
• BESOC prototype: A Citizen Science Single Point of Contact for Universities, Tiberius Ignat, Director of Scientific Knowledge Services
• Open Research in a post-COVID world, Daniel Hook, CEO Digital Science
• Making Data Work for Cross Domain Grand Challenges, Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA