28 September 2020

SSHOC is developing a data repository service for SSH institutions. The new service is built upon the Dataverse software and will be adjusted to the needs of the European research infrastructures.

Dataverse is a community-driven open source software platform which enables integrations with other data services such as DataCite or ROpenScience. Its modular design principle uses API’s to allow for distributed file storage and support the addition of further microservices.

We invite interested researchers and institutes from across the SSH community to attend the webinar and share your ideas and requirements.

  • Would your research institute like to use the SSHOC Dataverse, once it's available?
  • Would you as an individual researcher like to use Dataverse?
  • What are your requirements?
  • How much localisation do you need?
  • Would you like to use a central service in the cloud or an installation in your institutional environment?

The webinar starts with a presentation of the current functionality, followed by a presentation of new features to be developed. After these presentations we will collect input from the audience. The discussion will focus on essential requirements for such a service, preferences, organisation, and necessary training.

The webinar will be chaired by Marion Wittenberg, service manager of DataverseNL at Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), together with her colleague Laura Huis in ‘t Veld, functional manager, and Péter Király, researcher and software developer at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

The event is intended for researchers, research institutes, and university and faculty staff across SSH domains and is not limited to the DARIAH community.

Register for the webinar now!

Slides available here

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