The main aim of CoreTrustSeal (CTS) is to assess the trustworthiness of a research data repository. This trustworthiness certainly has a relation with the long-term access to digital objects managed by a data repository. In this webinar, we’ll provide an overview of the digital preservation related aspects of the CoreTrustSeal certification criteria and explain what is expected of trustworthy repositories.
The webinar will share practical advice on developing digital preservation policies from one of the repositories supported by FAIRsFAIR to apply for CoreTrustSeal certification. This webinar will be of value to repositories considering CTS certification but will be equally beneficial to any repository wishing to develop or review their digital preservation policies.
Registration is free and open to all however the main audience is repository managers and service providers. Data stewards and developers may also find the session informative.
Programme |
14:00-14:10 |
Welcome and overview of FAIRsFAIR support programme - Joy Davidson, FAIRsFAIR and DCC |
14:10-14:20 |
Towards making your repository more trustworthy and FAIR-enabling: FAIRsFAIR repository support programme - Linas Cepinskas, FAIRsFAIR and DANS |
14:20-14:30 |
Overview of CoreTrustSeal criteria related to digital preservation - Hervé L'Hours, FAIRsFAIR and UKDS |
14:30-14:45 |
Digital preservation related aspects of the CoreTrustSeal certification: SOCIB’s experience - Miquel Àngel Rújula, SOS Division: Data Center Technical, SOCIB |
14:45-14:55 |
14:55-15:00 |
Summary and wrap up - Joy Davidson, FAIRsFAIR and DCC |