Call for FAIR experts: Apply and join the Booksprint for FAIR - Adoption Handbook for Universities
13 April 2021

Calling for your expertise!

Are you an expert in the FAIR data principles and teach what they mean in practice to students and researchers? Are you developing curricula or do you link FAIR to generic or discipline-specific aspects of data science and RDM? Have you created exercises, lessons or other teaching materials addressing aspects of FAIR as Open Educational Resources? Are you familiar with course creation and amendment processes? Then we need you! This is an exciting opportunity, and we need your help to make this a reality - join our interactive sessions and together we can make this happen!

To start to solve these challenges, we are holding a Book Sprint in June to develop a handbook for practical implementation of FAIR in curricula and need the help of experts in a series of collaborative Book Sprints from 1-10 June 2021. More detailed info about the events, including the individual dates here.


One of the aims of the FAIRsFAIR project is to foster and support the integration of FAIR content into the curricula of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Based on a landscape analysis and a job market analysis, FAIRsFAIR has developed a FAIR Competence Framework for Higher Education ( 

Making it Practical - What is Involved?

To translate the framework into material that supports HEIs in implementing it, the project will produce an Adoption Handbook for Universities - containing model courses, units and curricula as well as supporting materials. We believe that the Handbook will benefit from as wide and diverse input as possible and would therefore like to invite the community to participate in this process. The Sprints will involve: examining and reviewing the materials which are available to date and working together to develop model curricula, courses and learning units for different levels (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral) and from different perspectives (e.g. disciplinary, discipline-agnostic). 

What you can expect in return'

This will be a virtual endeavor. If you are able to provide your time, your name will feature prominently as co-author and, given this is one of the first of its kind, authors will be credited with having made a significant contribution to implementing FAIR!  The handbook will be made openly available and published under an open license.

How to Apply?

To register your interest in being an author during the Sprint please fill in this form. Apply till 3 May 2021. Applicants will be notified by  Friday, 14 May 2021, of the outcome of their application.

Selection Process

The organisers will review applications based on motivation and expertise, as well as bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations across Europe.

If you have any questions, please contact Claudia:



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