Data Stewardship Survey - open until November 25 2021
28 October 2021


Data Stewardship comes in many forms and contexts, with the common goal of supporting data management.  Yet that diversity can make it hard for the Research Data Management (RDM) community to further professionalise our work and services.

The RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (PDS-IG) is seeking input from the research data community to help us model different approaches to research data stewardship. We would be grateful to hear from any research data stewardship service provider to help us capture the sheer diversity of activities, roles and environments around the world. 

Your valued participation in the 15-minute survey linked below will allow the PDS-IG’s modelling task group to capture the range of different data stewardship models at work, supporting the PDS Interest Group’s aim to further the professionalisation of data stewardship. Please fill survey and feel free to share the link widely with colleagues:

FILL THE SURVEY (deadline: 25 November 2021)

All responses will be kept confidential and stored at the University of Manchester. We will share the anonymised dataset openly to allow the wider community to gain insights into the breadth of data stewardship. This valuable dataset will be crucial to the next stages of the modelling task group’s work. Beyond this, the dataset can be used to benchmark existing services and can serve as a reference to those wishing to develop data stewardship positions in a range of settings.

More info:

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