11 April 2019

A Common policies, open standards, services, interoperability solutions, and stewardship of data on the basis of FAIR principles require a common approach.

Follow the two sessions on Thursday 11th April - Room 0.94 - during EGU 2019:  

08:45  "The FAIRness horizon: from principles to practice, the EPOS experience in solid Earth science" held by Massimo Cocco, Daniele Bailo, Rossana Paciello, Carmela Freda, Keith Jeffery, and Kuvvet Atakan (INGV - EPOS project)

09:00  "ENVRI-FAIR - the next step towards FAIRer environmental research" during EGU 2019 event ongoing in Vienna from 7th to 12th April -held by Andreas Petzold and Helen Glaves

See more on the EGU Website 

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