18 May 2020


FAIRsFAIR will be represented at the final workshop of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model Working Group on 19 May to describe their adoption of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model specification and guidelines

The workshop marks the end of a 30-day public comment period which closed on 13 May having drawn more than 3600 views to the website of the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model Working Group.  Comments received during the period have been classified and will be presented for discussion at the workshop prior to their incorporation into a final version of the document.

In its current format, the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model specification and guidelines describes a maturity model for FAIR assessment which aims to normalise assessment results through the provision of assessment indicators, priorities and evaluation methods, thus enabling relative comparisons to be made. 

FAIRsFAIR has adopted the model as a basis for the development of a minimum viable set of metrics for assessing the FAIRness of research data objects - for use by researchers - and tools - for use in repository management. Currently FAIRsFAIR is implementing a manual self-assessment tool to be used by researchers and an automated assessment service for repositories. These tools will be iteratively improved through pilot testing with researchers and selected data repositories, and the feedback received shared with the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model Working Group.

Says Hervé L'Hours, Repository & Preservation Manager, at FAIRsFAIR partner organisation UK Data Archive, “The main benefits from the FAIRsFAIR perspective are that the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model WG is clarifying FAIR into indicators so we can move from expressions of principles to testable statements. The next steps for us are to consider how the outcomes of the group can be translated into repository practices that allow us to assess FAIR at deposit, curate for FAIRness as part of our quality control, and communicate FAIRness to data users."

To read our previous article on this topic, click here.

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