11 January 2021


Policy makers looking to align their policies with the emergence of a FAIR ecosystem now have the opportunity to request support from the FAIRsFAIR project. An open call has been launched and applications are invited before 5 February 2021.

In February last year, FAIRsFAIR published a series of practical recommendations for policy enhancement to support the realisation of a FAIR ecosystem. Based on an initial landscape assessment and the work of related initiatives, the recommendations provide the basis upon which FAIRsFAIR experts will assist participating policy makers to assess current policy and suggest adaptations.

Recommendations for FAIR Policy

In formulating their recommendations, FAIRsFAIR analysed the landscape in terms of the Turning FAIR into Reality (TFiR) action plan, Reference was also made to concurrent Europe-wide surveys of FAIR practice and requirements for persistence and interoperability.

The resulting recommendations are grouped in terms of the three stages outlined by the Turning FAIR into Reality report:

  • Define concepts for FAIR Digital objects and the ecosystem
  • Implement culture, technology and skills for FAIR practice
  • Embed and Sustain incentives, metrics and investment

Each recommendation is matched with an individual finding from the landscape analysis. A list of potential stakeholder groups and specific actors is also provided. The list reflects both those who may have a special interest in the recommendation and those actively working to progress some aspects of it. 

Access the FAIRsFAIR report D3.3 Policy Enhancement Recommendations 

Respond to the Open Call for FAIR Policy Support

FAIRsFAIR is interested in working with policy makers in various settings (national, funding body, publisher, organisational, research infrastructure, repository) and at different levels of policy development and implementation. The aim is to select up to 25 policy makers ensuring a balanced representation across stakeholder type, stage of development, and geographic spread.

For more information and to complete the application form click here.


Questions? Please contact us on opencallATfairsfair.eu.

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