The second FAIRsFAIR Synchronisation Force workshop was organised online as a series of eight sessions between 29 April and 11 June 2020. The objective of these sessions was to measure the progress towards implementing the recommendations outlined in the The European Commission Expert Group report Turning FAIR into Reality (TFiR, 2018). To do this, FAIRsFAIR brought together representatives of the Working Groups of the EOSC Executive Board, INFRAEOSC5 projects, ESFRI clusters, and the FAIRsFAIR European Group of FAIR Champions to share information on the progress of their FAIR-oriented activities and to discuss commonalities and priorities.
The outcomes of the workshop show that the original 27 TFiR recommendations are still very relevant and constitute a useful benchmark for measuring how projects and EOSC Working Groups progress towards turning FAIR into reality. During the workshop, participants agreed that the EOSC-related projects, working groups, and FAIR Champions are contributing in significant degree to the implementation of many of the TFiR recommendations.
On 3 September 2020 Ingrid Dillo and Marjan Grootveld presented a report on the workshop outcomes at the EOSC FAIR Working Group meeting. The document was well received by the WG, and will be taken it into consideration in the writing of the Interim recommendations for FAIR metrics and service certification report, currently in its final phase.
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