03 October 2019

From recommendations to actions

Evolving existing data infrastructures and making data FAIR is not the sole responsibility of the researcher but should be a common effort of research institutions, funders, service providers and experts.

Earlier this year, two workshops were held to formulate recommendations on how services and infrastructures can better support the implementation of the FAIR data principles1. The input and conclusions from both workshops were analysed to form the basis for a draft report 'Services to support FAIR data: Draft report and recommendations'. As a conclusion to the previous workshops, a third workshop was organised during the Open Science Fair in Porto, Portugal, in collaboration with OpenAIRE, FAIRsFAIR, RDA Europe, FREYA, and EOSC-hub.

The audience participation part of the workshop was followed by a panel discussion, during which the panellists shared their personal views on the prioritised recommendations and actions.  Split up in three groups - service providers, research institutions and libraries - the attendees started with a set of activities and then opened the discussion. 

The panel consisted of five experts from diverse backgrounds relevant to FAIR data: ​

  • Ian Duncan (Australian Research Data Commons),
  • Françoise Genova (Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg; EOSC FAIR WG),
  • Odile Hologne (French Institute for Agricultural Research; EOSC Rules of Participation WG; FAIRsFAIR Champion),
  • Rachael Kotarski (The British Library; EOSC FAIR WG; the FREYA project)
  • Tobias Weigel (DKRZ; EOSC Architecture WG; FAIRsFAIR champion)

The outcomes of the session are collected in the blog post "Services to Support FAIR Data: From Recommendations to Actions" by Mustapha Mokrane - FAIRsFAIR, Daniel Bangert - RDA Europe, Emilie Hermans - OpenAIRE, René van Horik - EOSC-hub, Maaike de Jong - FREYA, Hylke Koers - FAIRsFAIR 


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