08 July 2020


FAIRsFAIR has published D3.4 Recommendations on practice to support FAIR data principles and the document is now open for community comment.

Building upon an analysis of the research data practice landscape, these new recommendations aim to help research support professionals and their institutions, repositories, infrastructures, and journals take practical actions to support the realisation of a FAIR ecosystem.

Earlier research by the work group responsible for the report identified four main themes that would benefit from strategic support by FAIRsFAIR. This report provides ten recommendations grouped in accordance with these these four themes as follows:

Theme A: Develop and implement data sharing and interoperability frameworks

A1: Describe research outputs using agreed terminologies and metadata standards to make data FAIR

A2: Build a culture of data citation

Theme B: Ensure data management is supported by data management plans (DMPs)

B1: Formalise and support appropriate data management plans (DMPs) for FAIR data

B2: Develop roadmaps, guidance and workflows for machine-actionable data management plans (DMP) to inform FAIR data stewardship

Theme C: Develop professional support for FAIR data

C1: Define and manage FAIR support costs and resources

C2: Develop and implement models for coordinating and supporting data stewards and research software engineers

C3: Develop and implement terminology for competence centres to annotate and retrieve training materials on enabling FAIR

C4: Develop and implement a self-assessment framework for Research Infrastructures, institutions, and other FAIR competence centres

Theme D: Ensure trusted curation of data

D1: Develop and implement guidance and support for selection of appropriate trusted digital repositories (TDRs)

D2: Develop and implement guidance and support for making sensitive data FAIR for reuse

Over the next 18 months, FAIRsFAIR will be developing guidance resources in line with these recommendations to support further adoption of FAIR data standards and practices by research communities.

To access the report on ZENODO click here.

To provide comments please access the Google doc here.

We welcome your feedback until 30 Aug 2020.

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