Other event

ENVRI-FAIR First training event

05 February 2020
Dresden, Germany

The course will be comprehensive of an introduction into ontologies and how these can help “putting the I into FAIR”.

Other event

FAIRplus Innovation and SME Forum

29 January 2020
Cambridge, UK

Implementing FAIR data principles in industrial life science research. This event counts with experts on FAIR data, namely members from FAIRsFAIR: Susanna Sansone (FAIRsFAIR Champion) and Hugh Shanahan, who is joining a panel discussion on "FAIR Landscape".

Other event

FAIRsFAIR at Open Science Workshop in Ljubljana

23 January 2020
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Open science is becoming a standard practice in the European Research Area, both within the EC framework programmes and national research funding. The Commission for Research and Development Work of the University of Ljubljana and OpenAIRE-Advance will organise a workshop targeted at Slovenian researchers, providing all the latest updates on open science developments.

Other event

Focus on FAIR - FAIR Data and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)

07 November 2019
Graz, Vienna

Approaching the first anniversary of the signing of the declaration and launch of EOSC in Vienna, Graz University of Technology is hosting the second-to-last workshop in the 2019 series launched by the Focus on Open Science, on Thursday, November 7.

Other event

Helis FAIR data stewardship course Digital data scholarship for the life sciences

04 November 2019 to 06 November 2019
Utrecht, The Netherlands

During this three day course researchers, data stewards and experts of related fields to data stewardship will introduce you to several areas of research data management and technologies which ease the process of creating and maintaining FAIR research data. The course will introduce the trainees to important concepts of data stewardship. We start with a general introduction covering the data life cycle, the FAIR principles and a definition of data stewardship.

Other event

Join PaNOSC 1st Annual Meeting

04 November 2019 to 05 November 2019
Trieste (Italy)

The 1st Annual Meeting of the Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud project (PaNOSC) will take place on 4-5 November 2019 in Trieste, Italy. The meeting will bring together PaNOSC project partners and other EOSC clusters, with the aim of sharing information and increasing collaboration among different parts.

Other event

Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

04 November 2019 to 06 November 2019
Vienna, Austria

Organised by Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie, the CHNT 24 2019 will be held in Vienna from 4 to 6 November 2019
Submit your contribution as long abstract by the 10th July 2019 

Other event

RDA's 14th Plenary - Data Makes the Difference. Helsinki, Finland, 23-25 October 2019

23 October 2019 to 25 October 2019
Espoo, Helsinki, Finland

Under the theme “Data Makes the Difference”, the 14th Plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance will explore researchers’ abilities to use data in making a positive impact in the world’s complex challenges.

Other event

FREYA - Connecting knowledge in the European Open Science Cloud (RDA Plenary Meeting Co-located Event)

21 October 2019
Espoo, Finland

From 23rd to 25th October 2019 the 14th RDA Plenary meeting will take place in Helsinki, Finland. FREYA will be present and will engage with the PID community. On October 21st FREYA will organise a half-day event, which through demos and tutorials will encourage a discussion on the use of PIDs in the context of the EOSC.

Other event

EOSC Services, Collaborations, and the RDA. 14th Plenary SSHOC side event

21 October 2019
Aalto University, DIPOLI, Otakaari 24, Otaniemi, Espoo

The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) is organising a discussion forum for all five ESFRI cluster projects, RDA Working and Interest Groups, and EOSC representatives on their journey to EOSC. The event will be focusing on the technical, social and governance issues the projects all face. What can we learn from each other and take back to the data communities we serve? 
